Monday, December 04, 2006

Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight - For That Flawless Skin by Robert Sheehan

It is true treating pimples needs both patience and persistence, but sometimes time is the thing you are short of. You desperately need them off your face at any cost; the world seems almost cruel otherwise. You almost feel like tearing your hair out thinking of how to get rid of pimples overnight and it is for situations like these that there are over the counter drugs and ointments.

However, just using medicines will not relieve you of the pimples, there are rules you have to follow to make it work out right. There are Dos and Don'ts and always remember some things are better left alone, messing with them is not advisable. For example, if you think the easiest way out of your ordeal would be to pop your zits, you are definitely wrong.

Most of the time, overnight pimple cures are just an overblown phrase because an overnight cure for pimples is almost impossible to devise without a change in your lifestyle. Especially if you are used to having a stressful life and you have a biased diet. Try to make it a balanced one including food that would also make it into a cleansing diet. Talking of cleansing, there is no substitute for water, thus make drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day a part of your daily routine.

Tips for overnight cure

Some home remedies however can rid you of pimples sometimes overnight and even if not overnight by not more than half a day.

You could use the white of an egg to dab on your pimple. Once left on for around 20 minutes it usually helps and dries up the pimple. Another unique method would be to apply toothpaste; preferably not the gel type on the pimple and it has the same effect.

Cleaning the skin is an essential part of curing pimples and the cleaning needs special care when you need to cure pimples overnight. If you wash your face with a soap enriched with aloe vera it can help you immensely. You could also try cleaning your skin with apple cider vinegar, or a more simple remedy would be to clean it with lemon juice.

Before you start any pimple remedy, you must be sure that the acne is not caused due to an allergic reaction to any food or cosmetics. The cure could otherwise have an adverse effect on the acne.

Your skin is unique and different from everyone else's and therefore you should remember that what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. Therefore, it would be advisable if you try out the different methods beforehand to know which one suits you.

You could also pay your family physician a visit, who might just as well recommend you to a dermatologist. Both the doctor and the dermatologist might have ideas that would truly rid you of that pimple overnight.

About the Author
Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Caring For Acne Prone Skin

Caring for acne prone skin is a real challenge for anybody, but it really can be done, and could be easier than you thought. The first step is very simple and well known. Proper hygiene is key, but be careful not to overdo the washing. Clear your face and other affected areas twice a day. Do not over do it because you could actually cause some irritation to the skin, and make acne worse. Then, make sure that you are eating proper food, and getting good nutrition. The body needs nutrition to have a strong immune system and combat infections, and acne produces small infections. For this reason, consume a lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and lean meat. Limited amounts of dairy products, and cutting back on fatty foods and sugars can help also. And if you do not think you are getting enough vitamins, ask your doctor to recommend an adequate supplement. There is no substitute for great health, and if you add regular exercise to the mix, then your body becomes stronger, healthier and better able to fight this nuisance.

Next important step, forget all of the myths you know about acne. There is no known connection between chocolate, fried foods, sex, or stress. Hormones along with clogged pores and microbe that create the blemishes lead to acne. Also forget about popping pimples in the mirror. This can just drive the bacteria deeper inside your skin and lead to a worse infection later.

If you are a man, be careful shaving. Shave around blemishes, even if you are leaving a little patch of beard. That is definitely better than walking around with bandaids on your sore face. If you are a woman, realize that makeup causing acne is a myth, but clogging pores is not, so use a makeup that does not clog pores, and if possible one that contains a medicines that kills germs and will help cut back on acne. Numerous men find that using an electric shaver during maturation is safer and does a better job.

In addition, find a proper facial wash with an active ingredient that can eliminate microbe and help you combat acne. There are many good ones on the market. Numberless over the counter remedies contain Benzoyl peroxide, which is the pretty common over the counter acne fighter and for a lots of people it works great. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria, and even better, microbe do not develop a resistance to this treatment. It keeps on killing the germs on and on. This product can reduce inflammation of the skin and suppress excess oil production. Tea tree oil is a natural substance available in health food stores that works much the same way as Benzoyl peroxide. Many people think that it is easier on the skin, so it might be worth a try. Salicylic acid is also a popular cure. It softens the skin and helps to unplug pores and discard dead skin cells. Used in conjunction with Benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil, numerous people find it helps greatly. Also helpful is sulfur, which works a lot like Benzoyl peroxide. It also helps to get rid of bacteria and unclog pores. Add to the mix glycolic acid, an ingredient that is also used in anti aging products. It helps to get rid of dead skin cells and is believed to stimulate the production of new cells. This process may help unplug stopped up pores. Unplugging the pores will stop the spread of acne no matter what our skin type is.

Doctors frequently prescribe antibiotics to help those who are vulnerable to acne. Your doctor may think that tetracycline can help, or he or she may prescribe a similar drug. These oral antibiotics are proficient, but on the down side the germ they exterminate, can develop a resistance. Current antibiotics are also helpful and in the opinion of many healthcare experts are better to use than oral antibiotics. They will eliminate the bacteria directly in the pores. Topical erythromycin works well. Also Benzaclin, Duac and Benzamycn perform well. Antibiotics should not be overused, but for numberless people they do provide relief from the suffering of acne. If you have skin amenable to acne, it takes extra care, but it can be beat.

About the Author
Adam is the owner of Ance Fight, a website that explains everything you need to know about Acne. Come and visit our site and see what you can learn about Acne.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tips For Sensitive skin

Try these tips from Dove:

Treat your face gently
Try not to pull, tug or harshly scrub your face when cleansing. This can help reduce the chances of damaging your skin or developing wrinkles.

Eat a variety of fresh foods and drink plenty of water
Skin cells are mostly water – staying hydrated is therefore an essential part of keeping skin looking healthy. A balanced diet also provides the nutrients your skin needs to stay strong and beautiful.

Always use sunscreen
UV rays are responsible for 90% of aging skin, including wrinkles and age spots. To protect your face, apply sunscreen to clean, dry skin 15-30 minutes before going outside.

Leave stress behind
Signs of mental stress can show up on your face, no matter how well you take care of your skin. Exercising, spending time with friends or simply taking a few moments to yourself every day are easy ways to alleviate stress.

Dove Sensitive Essentials
Have you been relying on Cetaphil to cleanse your sensitive skin? Dove Sensitive Essentials™ Non-Foaming Cleanser has been proven to be milder and 94% less irritating than Cetaphil. Dove Sensitive Essentials Non-Foaming Cleanser offers a deep yet gentle clean, without causing redness or irritation. Dermatologist tested and approved, this ultra-mild cleanser is fragrance-free, hypo-allergenic and non-comedogenic.

Article By

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Murad Acne Complex Starter Kit

review product murad acne

Product Description
This tiny tin contains all you need to stop breakouts in their tracks. Sized for travel, each of these highly effective acne fighters will have your skin looking its best in no time.Set includes a 2 oz Clarifying Cleanser (infused with 1.5 % Salicylic Acid), 1 oz Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel (an all over face treatment that combats excess oiliness and blemishes), a .25 oz Acne Spot Treatment (reduces redness and clears blemishes on the spot), and a 1 oz Skin Perfecting Lotion (an oil-free hydrator that refines and softens skin texture.Clinical Testing/Results:In independent scientific studies, over 90% of the participants experienced a reduction in blemishes in just four weeks with this regimen.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Facial Exercise Lifts Minority's Faces

Facial Exercise Lifts Minority's Faces by Cynthia Rowland

Women of color want to look younger and they want to do it without risk! In the last twenty years, extreme scarring, discoloration, loss of certain ethnic characteristics and high costs have kept Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and other non-Caucasians from seeking plastic surgery but with the advent of improved suture techniques, new procedures and shows like "Extreme Makeover", more and more minorities are considering using cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance "The way plastic surgery statistics have escalated, especially among people of color, the trend to "look as young as you feel", has left no one out," declares anti-aging expert Cynthia Rowland, Los Angeles.
Statistics show a 65% increase in plastic surgery among ethnic groups over the past five years. According to Minority Nurse Magazine, "more Americans are getting face lifts and other types of cosmetic surgery these days, and more of those faces being lifted are likely to be non-Caucasian than ever before.'" Clients/patients of every ethnic group use injections more frequently and with financing programs offered by clinics, spas and physicians, more middle income people are enticed by these lenient payment plans.

The top five surgical procedures most requested by women are liposuction, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, nose jobs (rhinoplasty) and breast reduction. The top five non-surgical procedures most requested by women are Botox, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peel and collagen injection. All in all women account for over 85% of all cosmetic procedures. Rowland explains, "There doesn't seem to be any area of the body that cannot be altered by surgery; your gender doesn't matter, what matters is how deep your pockets are. You're only limited by your imagination because surgeons and science are willing to go to great lengths to entice you to spend mega-dollars all in the name of improved appearances.' Rowland, a long-time proponent of "natural is best", declares that certain resistance type exercise will target sagging facial muscles so they lift and tone, giving the user the look of a face lift without risk, keloiding, scarring or losing your ethnic identity. Exercise can plump up wrinkle lines and lift sagging facial skin. Exercise can provide better results than a surgical face lift because it leaves the person looking like themselves, only younger.
Using Botox, Restylane and other fillers to prop up nose to mouth lines, sagging foreheads, droopy eye lids and thin lips are very temporary and costly remedies. These procedures must be repeated again and again to maintain the look of lifting and smoothness.

Facial exercise solves the problem of sagging by tightening and smoothing every area of the face and neck. The forehead, the eyes, the cheeks, the jowls and pouches, the turkey neck and wattle are all refined and lifted naturally without injections or anything invasive. Even the tip of the nose can be lifted! There is just no doubt that resistance training of the muscles can produce exceptional results that easily replace Botox, Restylane and most importantly, plastic surgery! No risk, no pain, no large out of pocket costs to reduce the signs of aging.
This is a scar-less face lift that keeps you looking younger and healthier. Exercise is natural and the results can last indefinitely. Imagine, exercising your face just as you exercise your body. See the results when you try this exercise:

About the Author
Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness with over thirty years experience in health & beauty related fields. She has appeared on The View, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their children's inheritance.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tips for Preventing Back Acne

Acne is a widespread problem affecting millions of people world-wide. It occurs when pores or hair follicles in the skin are blocked, usually due to excess sebum production or to dead cells that are retained on the skin's surface when they would normally slough off. When a pore becomes blocked, sebum and natural bacteria are trapped within the pore and prevented from coming to the surface of the skin. While many experts remain unsure of bacteria's actual role in creating inflammation, it is generally agreed that bacterial action within the pore triggers an immune system reaction, causing the redness and discomfort associated with acne.

When you hear the word "acne," most people picture blackheads, pimples, and pustules on the face. But acne doesn't stop at the jaw line. In fact, the greatest concentrations of sebaceous glands are found not only on the face, but also on the chest, back, and upper outer arms, too. A person's back has thousands more sebaceous glands than their face, so it is no wonder that back acne can be a problem! Despite the many acne treatment products on the market, controlling back acne can be an entirely different story than treating acne on one's face. So what's the scoop?

There are several differences between back and face acne that one should be aware of when trying to treat an acne problem. For starters, the skin on the back is one of the thickest on your body, so you can afford to be less gentle when treating it. Also, less is understood about back acne than facial acne. While the severity of facial acne can be related to genetics or food allergies, this isn't the case with back acne. Furthermore, back acne is not generally worsened by mental or emotional stress.

Prevention is one step to consider when suffering from back acne; stopping a problem before it starts is the best and easiest acne plan! Clothing especially can play a large role in causing breakouts on the back by trapping perspiration and bacteria close to the skin. By choosing to wear loose, light clothing, sweat is then limited which can reduce the likelihood of back acne developing. Also, certain materials can irritate the skin, regardless of the activity level of the wearer. For instance, lycra doesn't breathe very well, allowing sweat and bacteria to collect on the skin and remain there; also, wool is a very rough material that can irritate existing acne and make the problem worse. Laundry detergents and fabric softeners can aggravate the skin and complicate acne. Finally, backpacks can cause and trap sweat or rub against your skin, and may need to be traded for a shoulder-bag or handle-bag if back acne is a problem.

Despite all these tips on acne prevention, there is no denying that preventing back acne can be harder than it seems; there will almost always be some form of clothing or material touching your back, whether it be a shirt or bed sheets or padding on the back of a chair. For this reason, acne treatment is still very important when one is trying to get rid of back acne. One positive thing about back acne is that it can be treated using fairly strong products, since back skin is thought to be less prone to irritation than skin elsewhere. For instance, 10% benzoyl peroxide is much too strong for the sensitive skin on the face, but could be a more appropriate strength for acne treatment on the back. If the type of back acne is particularly inflammatory and painful, a variety of methods may be used to target the problem, including antibiotics, cortisone shots, and topical retinoids.

Some of the same general rules apply to skin care for back acne as for facial acne. It is recommended that you keep the back clean using a salicylic or glycolic acid cleanser, and exfoliate away dead skin with a long-handled scrub brush. The specific acne-prone areas can then be treated with over-the-counter or prescribed medicine. Some dermatologists also recommend that you drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and eat fairly healthy foods. While there is no definitive proof that food can trigger back acne, eating well definitely can't hurt! Back acne isn't fun, but it can often be controlled to a large degree, so don't be afraid to go to your doctor to learn about different methods of acne treatment for problem areas on your back.

About the Author
Author C.L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest ... but unfortunately that's not the case! You'll find much more information on the topic at the author's website www.acne-

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tea Tree Oil Sunburn Remedies

The calendar says it's summer, but it's raining here in Nova Scotia. Combining wishful thinking and a touch of gloating, I looked for something to cheer me up to write about, and chose sunburn. Whether or not you believe me when I say, "I feel your pain" is up to you!

It's easy to relish the warmth and the golden tan from spending time in the sun, but it's all too easy to overdo it and get burnt. Here are some suggestions for soothing herbal sunburn relief:

Tea Tree Oil diluted to one part with ten parts of olive oil or coconut oil and spread freely over the affected areas is soothing and pain-relieving and also reduces blistering and peeling. You can also applied tea tree oil full strength to sunburn.

Personally, I find it even more soothing to combine tea tree oil with another cooling herbal, my personal favorite is aloe. I grow aloe plants and I pick and split a leaf, squeeze out the gelatinous substance, add a few drops of tea tree oil, and pat gently on the burned area. Then blowing on it or sitting in front of a fan increases the cooling sensation.

Tea tree is especially effective when paired with lavender oil. Add five drops of tea tree and 11 drops of lavender oil to three ounces of cool, distilled water. Place this mixture in a bottle with a spray atomizer attachment and mist sunburned areas whenever cooling relief is needed. Molly of Molly's Herbals sells a tea tree/lavender oil mixture that makes this remedy really easy.

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to vitamin E or aloe Vera lotion. Apply a few times a day to relieve pain, redness and inflammation.

People with sensitive skin should use tea tree oil in diluted form. It can be mixed with another oil such as almond or wheat germ. Apply cold water to remove heat and then gently rub oil mixture into affected areas to help relieve stinging and later itching.

I found some wonderful after-sun skin care products that contain many of these ingredients just by searching the web, I suggest you do the same if you would rather not make your own remedies.

About Author
Kathryn Beach offers extensive information about the incredible healing power of tea tree oil on her website, "Learn About the Tea Tree Oil Phenomenon!", and in her "Tea Tree Alerts" available by subscription on her website.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Murad Exfoliating Fruit Enzyme Mask

Murad Exfoliating Fruit Enzyme Mask, 2: Treat/Repair, 1.7 fl oz (50 ml)

Review Murad Products skin care

Retexturizes and reveals newer, healthier skin by dissolving tired surface cells and restoring natural hydration. Balances oily and dry zones to improve texture and reveal healthy-looking skin. Naturally-derived exfoliator uncovers newer, more radiant skin. Papaya Fruit and Pineapple Juice Enzymes exfoliate dead surface cells. Squalane imparts natural moisture. Ginkgo Biloba restores a healthy glow.
As a leader in research and development, Murad has long been at the forefront of skincare science. Applying insights from my skin research center, dermatology practice and the Murad Medical Spa, we continue this tradition. Ours is an inclusive health philosophy, based on the water principle, a comprehensive inside and out approach to optimal skin health and total wellness. Healthy skin is beautiful skin.
My commitment is to provide you with the most advanced formulations and pharmaceutical grade ingredients to restore and strengthen your skin, allowing your healthy radiance to shine through. Scientifically proven. Dermatologist developed and tested. Murad does not test on animals. Made in the USA.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Home Pimple Remedy

If you are hoping for fast treatment you could try one of the over-the-counter creams or lotions as an overnight home pimple remedy.

Some people think that an overnight home pimple remedy is to pop the pimples. This is not a good overnight home pimple remedy. It is better to leave them alone.

Another overnight home pimple remedy is to wash with a soap that contains aloe vera. This may not clear up the acne immediately but it can help.

A cleansing diet can be a good way to begin an overnight home pimple remedy plan. Another idea when starting an overnight home pimple remedy program is to make sure the acne is not caused by allergies to foods, cosmetics or other products.

Check with your doctor for an idea for overnight home pimple remedy. Your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist who may also have an overnight home pimple remedy.

Magazines sometimes have the latest thoughts and things to try if you are looking for an overnight home pimple remedy.

Your pharmacist may be helpful if you are searching for an overnight home pimple remedy. She may be able to recommend a product that the pharmacy carries.

You can clean your skin with apple cider vinegar as an overnight home pimple remedy. Another overnight home pimple remedy consists of cleaning your skin with lemon juice.

One overnight home pimple remedy may work better for you than another. Try different remedies until you find the one that works for you.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Factors causing skin Wrinkles

What causes Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are caused as a person starts growing older. Wrinkles appear on the face, hands and other body parts of a person. One of the most important reasons of wrinkle is the ageing process. As a person starts growing in age his skin cells divide more slowly thinning the inner skin and thus making it weaker. This causes more moisture to be released and makes the skin dryer. The cells also do not reproduce as fast as when you are young, something like 10% less. As a result any damage to the skin in the form of wear and tear takes a long time to heal.

How a Wrinkle is formed?
With age there is slowness in a person’s cellular system. When the skin cells loose its elasticity, it becomes slack thus forming deeper wrinkles. The skin looses its firmness thus resulting in formation of wrinkles in different parts of the body.

Factors causing skin Wrinkles
There are number of factors that cause skin wrinkles mainly
* Sunlight – This includes the UVA and UVB rays of the sun.
* Free Radicals
* Hormones
* Gravity
Worry also causes wrinkles

Treatments to Cure wrinkles
Today one can find different types of anti wrinkle creams coming up in the market. But are theses anti wrinkle cream effective? Many people have been experimenting with these types of creams and it seems to be working out for them. The chemicals in the anti wrinkle cream reduce wrinkles irrespective of the ageing process. There are many other ways to slow the process of wrinkle formation.
* For a person around 30 years old - A simple chemical peel is sufficient
* For a person around 40 years old - He can benefit from collagen or fat implants
* For a person around 50 years old - He can undergo laser resurfacing and other customized treatments.

About author
Isabella Rodrigues writes for

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Obagi Blue Peels

Obagi blue peels are one of the most sought after skin care and rejuvenation treatments today. They are only offered in doctors offices on an outpatient basis. The Obagi blue peel was invented by Dr. Obagi and has been clinically proven to treat and cure common skin ailments like pigmentation problems, age spots, mild acne and fine lines and wrinkles. The Obagi blue peel chemically burns the outer layers of the skin and causes them to slough off or peel in a few days revealing younger, rejuvenated skin.

Chemical peels, in general, have been used in skin care and skin treatments for acne and anti aging for over 20 years by doctors and dermatologists everywhere. These chemical peels range from weaker acids like glycolic and salicylic to stronger skin peels like TCA peels, the Obagi Blue Peel, and Phenol peels. Phenol peels are rarely used anymore as they require anesthesia, are very toxic and can result in permanent skin bleaching. Weaker skin peels like glycolic and salicylic are popular for treating pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. They are not very effective on deeper, more underlying skin problems. This is where peels like the Obagi Blue Peel and TCA peels are much more effective.

Obagi blue peels and TCA peels are usually applied as a cream or paste (TCA peels are also applied in liquid for for faster and longer lasting results). The doctor will mix the Obagi blue peel with TCA (trichloroacetic acid) into a paste at various strengths depending on desired depth and then apply it to the face. A typical face mask pattern is used so sensitive areas like around the eyes are avoided. The peel is then applied for usually 10 minutes (or less for TCA peels) or more (up to 1 hour for the Obagi Blue Peel). The Obagi blue peel is weaker than a pure TCA peel and may require multiple applications or layering for the same results. The Obagi blue peel will also stain or dye the face a blue- green color so the doctor knows where it has been applied already. A TCA peel will turn red and whiteout (turn white or frost) on some skins indicating the neutralization point. The doctor will then neutralize the TCA or Obagi blue peel to stop the burning process.

The patient is then sent home and told to apply various creams and antibacterial treatments for the next 3-7 days until it all peels and is fully healed. During this healing and peeling process, the skin will darken and harden and then start to peel away (some people will flake instead of peeling due to drier skin and different skin pH - everyone's skin is unique). It is usually best to schedule to have this time off as it is best not to go out in public with severe peeling. Makeup cannot be worn as it can cause infection and block healing. Many doctors have found over the counter antibiotic ointments like Neosporin and its generic equivalents to work best and make the skin heal faster after an Obagi blue peel or TCA peel.

The Obagi blue peel (along with the TCA peel) has been proven effective in clinical trials and approved for use in anti aging and acne skin care treatments. For more information on Obagi blue peels and TCA peels for in home use and skin care treatments please see the link below. About Author
David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis.
For more information on TCA peels for in home use and great anti-aging products and ideas please visit .

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Philosophy Hope In A Tube Eye & Lip Cream

Review Products: Philosophy Hope In A Tube Eye & Lip Cream

Philosophy Hope In A Tube Eye & Lip Cream

Philosophy once again gives us a product that lives up to its name. This eye and lip cream works well providing protection and moisture to the delicate eye area and lips.
When mixed with a highly pigmented concealer, like the Supernaturals Air Brushed Color Correctors, there is an instant lift and brightening of your eyes. Takes a few years off, in my opinion.
Hope in a Tube Eye and lip cream helps to smooth out and decrease the appearence of smile lines/crows feet. It works for me in the dry, windy and cold New Mexico mountain region. Since finding this product, there hasn't been a single eye/lip cream I can compare it to.

Product Description
Philosophy Hope In A Tube Eye & Lip Cream is for aging skin that is dehydrated and showing signs of environmental stress. It promotes resilience while reducing the signs of pre-mature aging.

Important Information
Water, squalene, mineral oil, glycerin, isocetyl stearoyl stearate, petrolatum, butylene glycol, polyglyceryl-2-diisostearate, peg-30 dipolyhydroxystearate, ceresin wax, polyethylene, dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline, microcrystallin wax, phytosteryl/octyldodecyl lauroyl glutamate, magnesium sulfate, tocopheryl acetate, bisaolol, polysorbate-20, potassium ascorby tocopheryl phosphate, methylparaben, ethylparaben, diazolidinyl urea, tetrasodium edta, iron oxides, dimethicone.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Enzyme Peels for Your Face

The enzyme peel is not a new technique at all. It has been performed for a long time ago but often without a deep knowledge on the matter. This is easily confirmed after an overview of those home remedies and cosmetics intended for skin care, such as papaya or green apple facemasks or lotions.
Papaya enzymes are not only good for nutrition but also to peel off epidermal cells, which aids in regenerating the skin. This property is also observed in aloe Vera, pumpkin, pineapple, and other fruits. Restorative enzyme peel is a type of exfoliating non-surgical procedure that uses natural or chemical products to produce exfoliation.
An Enzyme peel accelerates the natural exfoliate process of the skin to get rid of dead skin cells, promote young cell renewal, and visibly diminish scars, stretch marks, aging spots and lines, sun damage, and skin discoloration. Enzymes penetrate the upper layers of the tissue, cleansing pores and improving skin texture, tone, elasticity and tautness.
Although, some enzyme peels work with the aid of acids or mechanical granules, natural enzymes are the most recommended to prevent dryness or allergic reactions. In fact, some strong chemicals used for deep peeling, such as phenol, may cause cancer of the skin or side effects.
In order to obtain the most benefits from enzyme peels, whatever the product you choose or the natural home remedy, you can get the most from it by applying a thin layer to your clean and dry skin, rather than a thick coat. Enzymes work best by rubbing gently in a mild circular motion.

An Enzyme Peel produces results in the short term after begin the application, but you need to perform a routine exfoliation to see good results. Treatments with enzymes improve your skin look and feel, but do not stop aging. Furthermore, you will have to repeat a peeling treatment after a certain period of time to remove new damaged cells and keep your fresh and youthful appearance.

About the Author Ricardo de Silva is - a directory of plastic surgeons

Monday, June 26, 2006

Tomato Skin Care Recipes Homemade

Tomato - Very Useful For Skin Care by Sharon Hopkins

It is an important vegetable which has many health benefits due to the presence of anti-oxidants. These anti- oxidants give tomato the radiant red color. The calorie content in tomato is very less making it a favorite among many people. It also contains fiber, vitamin C, E, K, B1 , B6 , B3 , B2, iron, manganese, potassium as well as carotenes and many more to help you in every manner.

Tomato Skin Care Recipes
Tomatoes are of great help for your skin. If you happen to go in the sun and in that span of time you get tanned, there is an easy solution. Prepare cucumber and tomato juice mixture to be applied on the affected areas of your skin. Keep it for 10 minutes; later wash it off with clean water. You will notice the difference.

Anyone can have skin rashes and the main reason for these rashes is silicon deficiency. This problem is overcome by having good amounts of sprouts, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits.

Make a mixture of honey and tomato juice to be applied on your face and neck. Wash it off after 15 minutes and within minutes you would see a glowing face in front of the mirror.

Another recipe for glowing skin is the mixture of 2 tsp tomato juice and 4 tsp curd. Apply it well on your skin and wash it in 15 minutes to see the difference.

This recipe is for all those people who have oily skins, open pores and blackheads. Tomato has a acidic trait which also contains potassium and vitamin C which helps in cleansing the face. Rub a sliced piece of tomato on your skin and leave it for fifteen minutes. This would help the pores. Later wash it off with water.

For a good complexion spread the pulp of tomato on your face daily. Keep it for 1 hour and then wash it off with warm water. If done regularly the results will be seen.

The tomato lotion helps in shrinking the enlarged pores and this can be made by using tomato juice mixed with 2 or 3 drops of lime juice. Apply this solution on your face and then wash it off for 15 minutes.

A great recipe to remove sunburn can be made by adding 2 tsp tomato juice in 4 tbsp of buttermilk. Apply it all over your skin. Wash it off after keeping it for 1 /2 hour.

You can easily make a homemade cleanser by using tomato and milk. Use tomato juice by straining the pulp and mix it with equal parts of milk. Store this in a bottle which can be refrigerated to be used everyday. Apply this on your face and neck by using your fingertips. Keep it for 10 minutes and later wash it with cold water.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

About the Author
Sharon Hopkins is the webmaster of Hair- n-Skin-Care site, it guides you with the various hair and skin care treatments. Natural Skin Care with Tomato.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fruitful Skin Renewal

A Fruitful Skin Renewal by Jane Simpson

Imagine browsing through skin care aisles and finding that one, perfect product that boasts of all-natural ingredients. Serendipity, right? Then you go and read the label expecting to find a virtual salad but instead finding yourself reading benzoic acid, butyl stearate, and some totally unpronounceable names. You're no botanist but you're sure that those stuff don't grow on trees. This is because most commercial items meant for skin care nowadays contain preservatives and other chemicals to maintain their consistency and shelf life. Problem is, most of these chemicals can actually irritate more sensitive skin.

What solution is there for this kind of crisis? Simple. Mix your own, homemade skin care line. There's nothing to it as most ingredients are found in your fridge or fruit basket. All-natural skin recipes are easily found in the Internet or even in magazines. Usually, these skin care mixes are composed of a combination of one or two fruits. Combinations like these can include either the fruit pulp, fruit juice, or both. Milk, water or honey are usually added to smoothen the mixture. Add-ons such as oatmeal, wheat germ, brown sugar, and dried herbs are also included for more specialized concoctions such as a pimple treatment, flaking, and oily skin.

Skin care using natural ingredients offers great variety. There are facial cleansers, scrubs, moisturizing creams, and face masks. Don't worry because indications for use are usually found with the recipes. The recipes indicate whether the mixture is for normal, dry, oily, sensitive, and acne-prone skin. Some are even more specialized as blackhead removers or whitening solutions.

Natural skin care routine have many advantages. First, the ingredients are easily available and the choices are great. They are also natural, thus, greatly reducing risks of allergies or skin irritations. Second, the ingredients are cheap, which translates into more savings more you. Third, you can modify the recipes to suit your needs. Since the risks for irritations are minimal, experimentations are relatively safe. Fourth, vitamins and antioxidants are naturally found in fruits, while milk and honey have restorative properties. Therefore, you get the same vitamins found in commercial products while limiting or eradicating chemicals.

As these skin care recipes use natural ingredients they require refrigeration and can only keep for a week. However, it is better to make these in small quantities or batches for immediate use. In addition, these recipes contain natural hydroxy acids and vitamins for direct and instant skin rejuvenation. Also, don't forget to keep fit by exercising, having a balanced, healthy diet and regular sleep. With these pre-requisites and your new skin care solutions, you're on your way to having the healthy skin that can top what science can offer. Now, that's what you call natural.

About the Author
For more valuable information on Skin Care , please visit care

Monday, June 19, 2006

acne scar co2 laser treatment

The acne scar co2 laser treatment is performed with a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. It is considered state of the art technology for laser surgery and is revered by laser surgeons. Is ease of use and precision is unmatched. This laser treatment is best suited to atrophic scars or depressed scars that don't have deep pits. More surface or facial scars respond well to the treatment.

Scars that have already been treated will be more difficult to treat with the CO2 laser. If you are on Accutane (isotretinoin, roaccutane) or have taken Accutane, you should stop it for at least 6 months before using the co2 laser treatment. Do not go on this treatment if you have a skin infection or inflammatory disease.

What is acne scar co2 laser treatment?
A laser beam passes through a carbon dioxide (CO2)gas-filled chamber and performs collagen remodeling. The laser removes one layer of skin at a time, which can eliminate more surface scars. The heat from the laser also makes the skin tight and smoothes out scars.
The surgeon may give you some intravenous anesthesia before the procedure.

How long does it take to see results?

You likely will see results at about 18 months. The best results occur when this type of laser resurfacing is used in combination with other treatments, like topical creams that help to speed the healing process. Laser treatment is great for getting rid of more shallow boxcar scars, reducing wrinkles, and smoothing out and tightening existing scars.

Does acne scar co2 laser treatment have disadvantages?

This method for acne scar treatment does have its downsides. For one, healing is painful and takes a long time. Some people experience redness for many months, while others experience changes in skin color. In darker skin, the acne scar co2 laser treatment can cause noticeable skin color changes.
Helpful healing tips after acne scar co2 laser treatment

Carbon dioxide or Er:YAG laser resurfacing of atrophic scars
-Work with your dermatologist to find a topical cream to help your healing process along.
-Use ice or a cooling mask if necessary.
-Always keep your skin clean.
-Make sure you see your surgeon or practitioner for follow-up.
-Treat any side effects or complications right away.
Alternative laser treatment - Erbium:YAG laser

The Erbium laser is not as harsh as the co2 laser. It produces less heat and therefore results in less redness and faster healing. However, it does not perform collagen remodeling as well as the co2 laser.

Yvette Chau is a freelance writer based in Edmonton, Canada specializing in the area of skincare and acne treatment. Ungoing failed treatments herself before finding a solution for her own face skin problems, she offers information and advice to others on http://www.your-

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Skin Care Tips

Useful Skin Care Tips
submitted by Isabel Rodrigues

Skin care tips you should know

* Sun Protection: Sun plays a major role to deteriorate your skin. You need to protect your skin from the sun in order to prevent the aging of your skin. The sun is largely responsible for wrinkles, dry skin, and blotchy pigmentation thinning of skin, skin texture, skin dullness, thinning of skin and some other sun related diseases that can make your skin look older.

* Avoid Smoking: This tip is mostly for men as large population of the people into smoking are men. Smoking is directly responsible for yellow and wrinkled skin. Many scientist have suggested that nicotine present in the cigarette has the same influence on elastin as sunlight.

* Maintain your fitness: With age its quite possible that extra weight can accumulate under the skin, neck or cheeks giving the skin an older look. In order to improve the appearance of your skin you need to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday.

* Smile can do wonders: Your face tends to conform to the position or expression that you carry most of the time. If you often frown or get angry your skin is more likely to develop wrinkles between the eyes, lines at the corner of your mouth or other lines that add your frowning expression. In order to avoid such a phase all you have to do is just smile. A Smile can do wonders for your skin and help keep you looking younger.

* Skin Care: Taking care of your skin is very important. You need to wash your face immediately after you had an outing in the sun. Scrubbing your skin dry can help you get rid of the dead cells which could lead to rough skin.

* Sleeping positions: Sleeping on your face can cause sleep wrinkles. Also avoid sleeping in one position for the major part of the night as this could crease your skin. You need to have at least 8 hours sleep everyday.

Isabella Rodrigues writes for anti- , offering the latest information on skin care.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Peels For That Aged Skin

Peels For That Aged Skin by Ricardo Silva

As we grow older, the effects of exposure to the sun and elements can negatively impact our skin. Peels offer one solution for beating back the effects of time.

Peels For That Aged Skin
A peel is used to address issues with the skin on your face. Whether through extensive exposure to the sun, effects of pollution over time or other causes, one's facial skin can take on disturbing appearances. A peel is designed to address these issues by peeling away the outer layers of damaged skin.

A peel is not a cure all. It is an option for dealing with specific issues. These include restoring wrinkled skin, although the wrinkles must be nominal. Major wrinkles must be addressed through more aggressive techniques such as facelifts. Skin blemishes, however, are primed for treatment with peels. Pigment variations from one area of the face to another can also be treated with peels. Skin damaged by exposure to the sun is also a problem peels can address since the process removes the damaged skin to reveal undamaged skin.

A peel for an entire face can take a couple of hours. Anesthesia is generally not used, but can be when called for in particular situations. Recovery time depends on the type of peel, but one should be able to pursue normal activities within a month. Following the peel, great care needs to be given to protecting the skin since it is being exposed to the elements for the first time. The skin will generally be red and exposure to the elements can lead to side effects such as infection, color changes and such. Make sure to discuss the risks, benefits and recovery requirements before undertaking the procedure.

Peels are medically available to all, but that doesn't mean everyone should get them. In general, peels work best with patients that have fair and thin skin. Make sure to speak with your medical professional regarding whether a peel is an option for your situation.

In general, peels are a common procedure for dealing with issues concerning facial skin. If you are a candidate for the procedure, it can be an effective method of turning back the ravages of time and is much less aggressive than a facelift.

About the Author
Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons .

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Use this quick guide to help find your right skin type. Simply write down one number in answer to each question. Then add up the chosen numbers to determine your skin type.
How often do you experience blackheads or blemishes?
1. Frequently
2. Occasionally
3. Very rarely
How would you describe your facial pores?
1. Very obvious
2. Noticeable in the T-zone only (around forehead, nose and chin area)
3. Not very noticeable
How often do you experience flaky skin?
1. Rarely
2. Occasionally
3. Often
Does your skin develop a shiny appearance shortly after cleansing?
1. Most of the time
2. T-zone only
3. Rarely
Does your skin feel tight or dry?
1. Rarely
2. Sometimes, near cheeks
3. Often

IF YOUR TOTAL IS 5 -10 YOUR SKIN IS NORMAL TO OILY The lower your score, the more oily your skin. IF YOUR TOTAL IS 11-15 YOUR SKIN IS NORMAL TO DRY The higher your score, the more dry your skin.

All skin types experience a combination of properties.
These range from normal to oily (normal with oily tendencies) or normal to dry (normal with dry tendencies). Your total determines the products most suitable for your skin type.

Monday, June 12, 2006


DAILY STEPS TO BETTER SKIN Beauty begins with good skin care... and diligence is the key. By following these steps every morning and every night, healthier looking skin can be yours.

It is important to carry out this step morning and night. Start by selecting a good quality facial cleanser. Many ordinary soaps are too drying and will not effectively cleanse the skin of makeup. A facial cleanser will help clear away all impurities without drying or irritating. HOW: If wearing eye makeup, first use an eye makeup remover with soft cotton pad or cotton ball.
Then apply the cleanser with fingertips, using a gentle upward and outward movement. Remove cleanser with cotton balls or cotton pads... or rinse with lukewarm water.

Toning refreshes and refines the texture of the skin and replaces the skin's natural acidic balance. It also removes last traces of cleanser.
HOW: Soak a cotton pad or cotton ball with toner and wipe in upward motions, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes.

Finally, we must replenish moisture lost from the skin due to harsh elements like wind, cold, smoke, air conditioning, pollution, etc. Moisturising needs can vary depending on the skin type, climate, environment and season (for example, lighter moisturising in Summer).
HOW: Apply moisturiser to fingertips and smooth onto face and throat in light, upward circular strokes. When using a specialised eye care product, apply before moisturiser; use sparingly and pat very gently onto the eye area.

The world of science has made tremendous advances in the field of skin care. Recent discoveries about the positive effects of certain vitamins and natural elements have unlocked exciting new possibilities for women who want to look their .

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Healthy Skin Care Education

Healthy Skin Care Education in 3 Easy Steps by Chelsea Aubin

Most people are self conscious about their skin. Everyone wants their skin to look young and healthy, and will go to many lengths to protect our skin from anything in the environment that could harm it. Our skin is the largest organ in, or on, our body. It performs many functions, primarily serving as protections against foreign substances entering out body. It also serves as a transfer point for the release of toxins from our body, and keeps water inside, inside. These are just some of the reasons our skin needs to be protected and cared for. Everyone wants to obtain the flawless skin of today's models and celebrities, and here are some ways that you can achieve just that.

Tip #1

Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or "loofah", as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What's more, exfoliants help to prevent ingrown hair from developing.
However, it is necessary to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.


Something you might not have considered to be beneficial to your skin, yet is key to maintain a healthy glow is drink lots of water. It is often said that the simplest way to clear and supple skin that is no longer dry is to drink plenty of water. Water has long been considered as the most effective natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists recommend that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.


To maintain and achieve healthier skin you should also watch your diet. Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be potent in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn't. Whatever the result may be, the best recommendation is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.

Learn more resources for clearing up acne fast at

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Aromatherapy Recipes For Skin Care

Aromatherapy Skin Care by Lily Smith

Every one wants to look best and well groomed; a good skin is that ultimate wish for many millions of people all over the world. If you are looking after your skin, natural skin care products are the preferred option. There are many advantages to using natural skin care products, because synthetic chemicals which are added to top brand skin care products is not what you want to absorb through your skin. You will be looking for all those things herbal to tone up your skin just because you do not want all those harmful chemical substances to harm and spoil your skin. Ultimately, you will decide to use one of those exotic aromatherapy recipes for maintaining your skin.

Though, inhaling the fragrant aromas of essential oils is just one way to enjoy aromatherapy, another innovative application is applying essential oils to the skin in the form of properly formulated preparations, massage oils, mineral baths and sprays. The molecular structure of essential oils makes them readily absorbed in the protective oily layer of the skin, where they are quickly absorbed.

Aromatherapy skincare is a safe, effective way for the body to acquire the beneficial properties of essential oils.

Acne Medication: 8 drop tea tree + 6 drops bergamot + 4 drops lavender: 0.75 oz of jojoba oil. Apply to face every evening, massaging around the pimple. Mix recipe with cream for daytime use (never go into sun while using). Add a few drops of carrot oil to the mixture.

Dry Skin Wash: 10 drops sandalwood oil + 10 drops bois de rose oil +10 drops lavender oil: 2 tablespoons of avocado.

Hair Treatment: 2 drops rosemary oil + 1 drop lavender oil + 1 drop bay oil: 20 ml olive oil. Use as scalp massage or apply to hair

Problem Skin Wash: 10 drop myrrh oil + 10 drops Palma Rosa oil +10 d frankincense oil: 1 tablespoon of Borage and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.

Reviving Face Mask: 2 drops petit grain oil + 2 drops lemon oil + 2 drops ylang ylang oil: 20 ml of iced water. Mix with enough crushed almonds to make a paste. Apply as a face mask. Let dry, then rinse off.

Sun care Blend: 14 drops lavender oil +1 drops peppermint oil: 4-8 oz. of cold water. Use in an atomizer on sunny days, spiriting yourself as needed.

Dry Skin: Your skin produces a protective emollient substance known as sebum. People whose skin doesn't produce enough sebum often sport dry, itchy and flaking skin. How ever, certain essential oils can help you. The tenacious, low volatility oils like patchouli and sandalwood, as well as heavily scented oils like rose and ylang ylang are especially well suited for dry skin preparations.

Moisturizing Cream: 4 fl. oz. almond oil 3 fl. oz. rosewater 1/2 oz. beeswax 10 drops rose 5 drops lavender 4 drops bergamot 8 drops patchouli 8 drops sandalwood Melt the wax and the almond oil in a double boiler. Reduce the heat and add the rosewater gradually in a thin stream, while vigorously agitating the mixture. As soon as the water is incorporated take off heat. When the mixture cools and turns creamy, add the essential oils.

Oily Skin: Conversely, overactive sebaceous glands result in oily skin. People with oily skin need a regular cleansing exercise to take off excess oil and prevent clogged pores. This recipe for a facial mask uses the natural capacity of essential oils to help dissolve excess oil.

Oily Skin Facial Mask: Mix 3 tablespoons of white corn meal and almond meal (freshly ground raw almonds are better), add the following essential oils: 10 drops lavender 5 drops bergamot 3 drops of clary sage Add enough rosewater or orange flower water to make a wet paste. Using circular motions gently massage the mixture onto your face, avoiding the soft tissues under the eyes. Leave the mixture on for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Finish the treatment by splashing cold water on your face to close your pores.

Normal Skin: Normal, healthy skin can benefit from a toning/balancing facial mist.

Toning Facial Mist: Add the following essential oils to 2 fluid ounces of distilled water: 6 drops lavender 1 drop clary sage 1 drop chamomile 4 drops lemon Pour into a spray bottle. Essential oils and water will separate, so shake the bottle vigorously before spraying this refreshing blend onto clean skin.

Sunburn: Your sunburned skin will benefit from a soothing, fragrant mist of distilled water and lavender oil. Adding a few drops of peppermint and spearmint oil contributes a cooling effect.

Sunburn Mist: Add the following oils to 2 fluid ounces of distilled water. 9 drops of lavender 2 drops of peppermint 1 drop of spearmint Mist lightly over sunburned skin.

Aromatherapy skincare is a wonderful way to experience the immense benefits of essential oils; it works its way deeply into the skin, affecting the entire constitution. The aromas associated with this action work their fragrant magic on the whole human body.

About the Author
Lily Smith is the owner of Online Mall of Information
Lily Smith is the owner of Online Mall of Information

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Olay Total Effects Moisturizing Vitamin Complex

Olay Total Effects Moisturizing Vitamin Complex, UV Protection, Fragrance Free - 1.7 fl oz
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I had severe acne as a teenager and now that I'm in my 30's I have an occasional breakout. I would always read in the beauty magazines that you should apply a moisturizer on your face but I was reluctant because of my acne-prone skin. I'm not sure why I decided to give Olay Total Effects a try but I am so glad I did. I have been using it every day for over a year now. It does not make my skin breakout at all (a big plus in my book). It makes my skin very smooth and gives me that "dewy" look. It also helps my foundation look more natural looking because the moisturizer is so hydrating. I also like the fact that it protects my skin from the sun.
Product Description
Total Effects 7x: With 7 vitamins and minerals. Fights 7 signs of aging. Broad Spectrum SPF 15 UVA/UVB Sunscreen. Olay Total Effects Visible Anti-Aging Vitamin Complex with UV Protection (SPF 15) contains 7 vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, zinc, titanium, magnesium and VitaNiacin, an exclusive formulation of Vitamin B3 (a niacin derivative), Vitamin E and Pro-Vitamin B5 and is infused with Olay moisture. It Fights Seven Signs of Aging: 1. Diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 2. Smoothes skin texture - visibly and to the touch. 3. Evens skin tone for younger-looking, more balanced color. 4. Improves surface dullness, giving skin a radiant, healthy glow. 5. Minimizes the appearance of pores. 6. Visibly reduces the appearance of blotches and age spots. 7. Soothes dry skin, hydrating with Olay moisture.
And provides SPF 15 UVA+UVB protection to help keep skin younger-looking. This Exclusive Formula is: Dermatologist tested; Non-comedogenic (won't clog pores); Color and fragrance free; Oil free; Fast-absorbing. Recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation as an effective UV sunscreen to help prevent sun damage. When used regularly as directed, it may also help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hylexin Serious Dark Circles

Hylexin Serious Dark Circles by Bremenn Research Labs

I have had dark circles around my eyes for a long time due to insomnia and using eye drops for glaucoma (side effects). One day I went shopping for cosmetics at Macy's and a salesperson recommended this product. At first I did not believe it could work for me, but I was willing to give it a try, even it cost me almost $100. After using it for about 2 months, I could notice the result, my dark circles are fading away; I use it only one time a day in the morning, and the first tube lasted more than 10 months (remember to put it upside down so you can use it until it is completely empty)

Product Features
Hylexin is the first product specifically developed to help reduce the appearance of serious dark circles. Hylexin is not a concealer.
Not an Ordinary Eye Cream... A Dark Circle Breakthrough
Hylexin has been shown to help reduce hemoglobin degradation
Studies also confirm that Hylexin actually helps strengthen the capillary matrix to help stop the "leaking"... so your orbital eye area is protected against further damage.

Product Description
If you have serious dark circles - not the kind that pop up in the morning and are gone by breakfast, but the kind of serious dark circles that stay around forever, making you look older, tired, and exhausted-there's Hylexin(tm), a unique product specifically developed for serious dark circles. In clinical studies, Hylexin has been shown to help reduce hemoglobin degradation by-products by optimizing enzymatic activity, causing the red-blue pigmentation of dark circles to fade. Studies also confirm that Hylexin actually helps strengthen the capillary matrix to help stop the "leaking," so the delicate skin in the orbital eye area is protected against further damage. Important Information Indications
See Box

Water, Glycerin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Silica, Cetyl Alcohol, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Polyglyceryl-3 Beeswax, Stearic Acid, Dipeptide-2, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Chrysin, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3, Hydroxysuccinimide, Hesperidine Methyl Chalcone, Steareth-20, Polysilicone 11, Chlorhexidine Digluconate, Potassium Sorbate, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Some Oily Skin Treatments Lead To Dry Skin

Some Oily Skin Treatments Lead To Dry Skin by John Davis

Oily skin is a problem for millions of people and although there are numerous treatment options available, the condition may persist for years in some cases. Oily skin is characteristically shiny with a dull-colored pallor. If the condition persists for years and is a chronic concern, the pores of the skin will become clogged with excess oil and outbreaks of acne may occur. Most treatment options attempt to remove the excess oils with chemicals or harsh soaps. However, this tends to go too far and actually remove too much oil to the point that the skin dries out. Treating oily skin properly is a delicate process that requires a balance between removing enough of the excess oil to eliminate the problem without creating a new one by removing too much and causing dry skin. A firm understanding of the causes of oily skin is important in understanding the best treatment options for you.

Common causes of oily skin

Sadly, our genes are often responsible for our oily skin problems-at least to some extent. The other major factor that causes oily skin is our diet. Too many processed sugars, fluids, and excess salt may all contribute to oily skin problems. Even when heredity is suspected as the cause of oily skin, a dermatologist will still recommend alterations to the diet as a means of managing the problem.

Our hormones are another big factor where temporary (and in some cases long-term) problems with oily skin are concerned. This is especially the case during puberty when hormone levels are known to vary greatly. A common factor in adolescent outbreaks is due to excessive sebum (oils) production as a result of hormone imbalances.

Hormones are also prone to imbalance during pregnancy which is why oily skin is often a problem for many women prior to giving birth. Birth control pills can actually make the problem worse but they are often prescribed initially as a potential means of correcting the hormone imbalance.

Other known factors contributing to problems with oily skin are cosmetics and humidity or very hot weather.

Treating Oily Skin

While diet is often a large factor in problems with oily skin, most people will choose to attack the condition directly. That is, they choose to remove the excessive oil. This is often accomplished by washing excessively, using a harsh soap with high lye concentration, or a combination of both. Unfortunately, this often creates more health problems than existed with the oily skin.

The oil produced by the sebaceous glands helps lubricate our skin and help retain moisture. When a person washes excessively or removes too much sebum, the skin will become dry, flaky, and eventually, itchy. Plus, the removal of those oils will stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce even more oils and can result in a condition known as Reactive Seborrhea. This will send your glands into overtime and may lead to malfunctioning in the future. Any soaps that cause more problems than they create should obviously be avoided.

You want to find a soap that doesn't use any harsh chemicals or artificial additives. Avoid any soaps that contain alcohol and try to find those with all-natural ingredients such as almond, olive, or even avocado oil. All have deep-penetrating qualities that will replenish the skin and help retain moisture.

The bathing itself should be confined to warm, not hot water. It is important to remove the excess oils but not to remove them all. Hot water makes it easier for the soap to remove the oil and dirt from your face and speeds up the entire process and may lead to dry skin and flaking. It is also important not to scrub your face excessively while bathing as it, too, will help remove too much oil. A gentle rubbing motion should be sufficient to eliminate your oily skin problem without causing a dry skin problem in the process.

The simple act of bathing or washing too often is a common tactic used to treat oily skin. However, this will also remove too many of the oils responsible for protecting your skin and may lead to Reactive Seborrhea. One washing per day with a mild soap should be sufficient to remove the excess oils while leaving enough behind to retain moisture and protect skin.

While using a mild soap, warm water, and washing only once a day are all great ideas that should remove excess oils while leaving enough behind to lubricate and protect the skin, a moisturizer will still be necessary. It is especially important to use a moisturizer within the first few minutes after bathing. This will help lock in more moisture before it has a chance to evaporate.

Not only is the timing of the application of a moisturizer important, but the type you use is of the utmost importance. Paying particular attention to the active ingredients is a good way to avoid spending money on products that may do you more harm than help. Moisturizers made with harsh chemicals or synthetic ingredients can lead to a host of problems including allergic reactions, dehydration, and even outbreaks of acne. Plus, if the balance is not right, the moisturizer may cause the same oily skin your were trying to get rid of in the first place.

After gently scrubbing your skin with a mild soap and removing the excess oil, you want to apply a moisturizer made from all natural ingredients that will help retain moisture without leaving an oily film on your face. Avocado oil, almond oil, and olive oil are all natural oils that can protect, moisturize, and help your skin look beautiful without causing any of the side effects as those products made from chemicals or synthetic ingredients.

The removal of excess oils produced by the sebaceous glands is an essential first step in treating oily skin. The use of a mild soap with an all natural moisturizer should be used once a day to remove the excess oils without removing all oils from your skin. Then, the application of a moisturizer made with all natural ingredients (to help reduce chances of allergic reaction, dehydration, etc. caused by chemical ingredients) within a few minutes of washing will help retain moisture and keep skin looking healthy and beautiful.

About the Author
John Davis writes for Trusted Health Products, Inc who offers all natural heath products.