Saturday, July 22, 2006

Factors causing skin Wrinkles

What causes Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are caused as a person starts growing older. Wrinkles appear on the face, hands and other body parts of a person. One of the most important reasons of wrinkle is the ageing process. As a person starts growing in age his skin cells divide more slowly thinning the inner skin and thus making it weaker. This causes more moisture to be released and makes the skin dryer. The cells also do not reproduce as fast as when you are young, something like 10% less. As a result any damage to the skin in the form of wear and tear takes a long time to heal.

How a Wrinkle is formed?
With age there is slowness in a person’s cellular system. When the skin cells loose its elasticity, it becomes slack thus forming deeper wrinkles. The skin looses its firmness thus resulting in formation of wrinkles in different parts of the body.

Factors causing skin Wrinkles
There are number of factors that cause skin wrinkles mainly
* Sunlight – This includes the UVA and UVB rays of the sun.
* Free Radicals
* Hormones
* Gravity
Worry also causes wrinkles

Treatments to Cure wrinkles
Today one can find different types of anti wrinkle creams coming up in the market. But are theses anti wrinkle cream effective? Many people have been experimenting with these types of creams and it seems to be working out for them. The chemicals in the anti wrinkle cream reduce wrinkles irrespective of the ageing process. There are many other ways to slow the process of wrinkle formation.
* For a person around 30 years old - A simple chemical peel is sufficient
* For a person around 40 years old - He can benefit from collagen or fat implants
* For a person around 50 years old - He can undergo laser resurfacing and other customized treatments.

About author
Isabella Rodrigues writes for

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