Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Murad Acne Complex Starter Kit

review product murad acne

Product Description
This tiny tin contains all you need to stop breakouts in their tracks. Sized for travel, each of these highly effective acne fighters will have your skin looking its best in no time.Set includes a 2 oz Clarifying Cleanser (infused with 1.5 % Salicylic Acid), 1 oz Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel (an all over face treatment that combats excess oiliness and blemishes), a .25 oz Acne Spot Treatment (reduces redness and clears blemishes on the spot), and a 1 oz Skin Perfecting Lotion (an oil-free hydrator that refines and softens skin texture.Clinical Testing/Results:In independent scientific studies, over 90% of the participants experienced a reduction in blemishes in just four weeks with this regimen.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Facial Exercise Lifts Minority's Faces

Facial Exercise Lifts Minority's Faces by Cynthia Rowland

Women of color want to look younger and they want to do it without risk! In the last twenty years, extreme scarring, discoloration, loss of certain ethnic characteristics and high costs have kept Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and other non-Caucasians from seeking plastic surgery but with the advent of improved suture techniques, new procedures and shows like "Extreme Makeover", more and more minorities are considering using cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance "The way plastic surgery statistics have escalated, especially among people of color, the trend to "look as young as you feel", has left no one out," declares anti-aging expert Cynthia Rowland, Los Angeles.
Statistics show a 65% increase in plastic surgery among ethnic groups over the past five years. According to Minority Nurse Magazine, "more Americans are getting face lifts and other types of cosmetic surgery these days, and more of those faces being lifted are likely to be non-Caucasian than ever before.'" Clients/patients of every ethnic group use injections more frequently and with financing programs offered by clinics, spas and physicians, more middle income people are enticed by these lenient payment plans.

The top five surgical procedures most requested by women are liposuction, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, nose jobs (rhinoplasty) and breast reduction. The top five non-surgical procedures most requested by women are Botox, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peel and collagen injection. All in all women account for over 85% of all cosmetic procedures. Rowland explains, "There doesn't seem to be any area of the body that cannot be altered by surgery; your gender doesn't matter, what matters is how deep your pockets are. You're only limited by your imagination because surgeons and science are willing to go to great lengths to entice you to spend mega-dollars all in the name of improved appearances.' Rowland, a long-time proponent of "natural is best", declares that certain resistance type exercise will target sagging facial muscles so they lift and tone, giving the user the look of a face lift without risk, keloiding, scarring or losing your ethnic identity. Exercise can plump up wrinkle lines and lift sagging facial skin. Exercise can provide better results than a surgical face lift because it leaves the person looking like themselves, only younger.
Using Botox, Restylane and other fillers to prop up nose to mouth lines, sagging foreheads, droopy eye lids and thin lips are very temporary and costly remedies. These procedures must be repeated again and again to maintain the look of lifting and smoothness.

Facial exercise solves the problem of sagging by tightening and smoothing every area of the face and neck. The forehead, the eyes, the cheeks, the jowls and pouches, the turkey neck and wattle are all refined and lifted naturally without injections or anything invasive. Even the tip of the nose can be lifted! There is just no doubt that resistance training of the muscles can produce exceptional results that easily replace Botox, Restylane and most importantly, plastic surgery! No risk, no pain, no large out of pocket costs to reduce the signs of aging.
This is a scar-less face lift that keeps you looking younger and healthier. Exercise is natural and the results can last indefinitely. Imagine, exercising your face just as you exercise your body. See the results when you try this exercise:

About the Author
Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness with over thirty years experience in health & beauty related fields. She has appeared on The View, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their children's inheritance.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tips for Preventing Back Acne

Acne is a widespread problem affecting millions of people world-wide. It occurs when pores or hair follicles in the skin are blocked, usually due to excess sebum production or to dead cells that are retained on the skin's surface when they would normally slough off. When a pore becomes blocked, sebum and natural bacteria are trapped within the pore and prevented from coming to the surface of the skin. While many experts remain unsure of bacteria's actual role in creating inflammation, it is generally agreed that bacterial action within the pore triggers an immune system reaction, causing the redness and discomfort associated with acne.

When you hear the word "acne," most people picture blackheads, pimples, and pustules on the face. But acne doesn't stop at the jaw line. In fact, the greatest concentrations of sebaceous glands are found not only on the face, but also on the chest, back, and upper outer arms, too. A person's back has thousands more sebaceous glands than their face, so it is no wonder that back acne can be a problem! Despite the many acne treatment products on the market, controlling back acne can be an entirely different story than treating acne on one's face. So what's the scoop?

There are several differences between back and face acne that one should be aware of when trying to treat an acne problem. For starters, the skin on the back is one of the thickest on your body, so you can afford to be less gentle when treating it. Also, less is understood about back acne than facial acne. While the severity of facial acne can be related to genetics or food allergies, this isn't the case with back acne. Furthermore, back acne is not generally worsened by mental or emotional stress.

Prevention is one step to consider when suffering from back acne; stopping a problem before it starts is the best and easiest acne plan! Clothing especially can play a large role in causing breakouts on the back by trapping perspiration and bacteria close to the skin. By choosing to wear loose, light clothing, sweat is then limited which can reduce the likelihood of back acne developing. Also, certain materials can irritate the skin, regardless of the activity level of the wearer. For instance, lycra doesn't breathe very well, allowing sweat and bacteria to collect on the skin and remain there; also, wool is a very rough material that can irritate existing acne and make the problem worse. Laundry detergents and fabric softeners can aggravate the skin and complicate acne. Finally, backpacks can cause and trap sweat or rub against your skin, and may need to be traded for a shoulder-bag or handle-bag if back acne is a problem.

Despite all these tips on acne prevention, there is no denying that preventing back acne can be harder than it seems; there will almost always be some form of clothing or material touching your back, whether it be a shirt or bed sheets or padding on the back of a chair. For this reason, acne treatment is still very important when one is trying to get rid of back acne. One positive thing about back acne is that it can be treated using fairly strong products, since back skin is thought to be less prone to irritation than skin elsewhere. For instance, 10% benzoyl peroxide is much too strong for the sensitive skin on the face, but could be a more appropriate strength for acne treatment on the back. If the type of back acne is particularly inflammatory and painful, a variety of methods may be used to target the problem, including antibiotics, cortisone shots, and topical retinoids.

Some of the same general rules apply to skin care for back acne as for facial acne. It is recommended that you keep the back clean using a salicylic or glycolic acid cleanser, and exfoliate away dead skin with a long-handled scrub brush. The specific acne-prone areas can then be treated with over-the-counter or prescribed medicine. Some dermatologists also recommend that you drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and eat fairly healthy foods. While there is no definitive proof that food can trigger back acne, eating well definitely can't hurt! Back acne isn't fun, but it can often be controlled to a large degree, so don't be afraid to go to your doctor to learn about different methods of acne treatment for problem areas on your back.

About the Author
Author C.L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest ... but unfortunately that's not the case! You'll find much more information on the topic at the author's website www.acne-

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tea Tree Oil Sunburn Remedies

The calendar says it's summer, but it's raining here in Nova Scotia. Combining wishful thinking and a touch of gloating, I looked for something to cheer me up to write about, and chose sunburn. Whether or not you believe me when I say, "I feel your pain" is up to you!

It's easy to relish the warmth and the golden tan from spending time in the sun, but it's all too easy to overdo it and get burnt. Here are some suggestions for soothing herbal sunburn relief:

Tea Tree Oil diluted to one part with ten parts of olive oil or coconut oil and spread freely over the affected areas is soothing and pain-relieving and also reduces blistering and peeling. You can also applied tea tree oil full strength to sunburn.

Personally, I find it even more soothing to combine tea tree oil with another cooling herbal, my personal favorite is aloe. I grow aloe plants and I pick and split a leaf, squeeze out the gelatinous substance, add a few drops of tea tree oil, and pat gently on the burned area. Then blowing on it or sitting in front of a fan increases the cooling sensation.

Tea tree is especially effective when paired with lavender oil. Add five drops of tea tree and 11 drops of lavender oil to three ounces of cool, distilled water. Place this mixture in a bottle with a spray atomizer attachment and mist sunburned areas whenever cooling relief is needed. Molly of Molly's Herbals sells a tea tree/lavender oil mixture that makes this remedy really easy.

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to vitamin E or aloe Vera lotion. Apply a few times a day to relieve pain, redness and inflammation.

People with sensitive skin should use tea tree oil in diluted form. It can be mixed with another oil such as almond or wheat germ. Apply cold water to remove heat and then gently rub oil mixture into affected areas to help relieve stinging and later itching.

I found some wonderful after-sun skin care products that contain many of these ingredients just by searching the web, I suggest you do the same if you would rather not make your own remedies.

About Author
Kathryn Beach offers extensive information about the incredible healing power of tea tree oil on her website, "Learn About the Tea Tree Oil Phenomenon!", and in her "Tea Tree Alerts" available by subscription on her website.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Murad Exfoliating Fruit Enzyme Mask

Murad Exfoliating Fruit Enzyme Mask, 2: Treat/Repair, 1.7 fl oz (50 ml)

Review Murad Products skin care

Retexturizes and reveals newer, healthier skin by dissolving tired surface cells and restoring natural hydration. Balances oily and dry zones to improve texture and reveal healthy-looking skin. Naturally-derived exfoliator uncovers newer, more radiant skin. Papaya Fruit and Pineapple Juice Enzymes exfoliate dead surface cells. Squalane imparts natural moisture. Ginkgo Biloba restores a healthy glow.
As a leader in research and development, Murad has long been at the forefront of skincare science. Applying insights from my skin research center, dermatology practice and the Murad Medical Spa, we continue this tradition. Ours is an inclusive health philosophy, based on the water principle, a comprehensive inside and out approach to optimal skin health and total wellness. Healthy skin is beautiful skin.
My commitment is to provide you with the most advanced formulations and pharmaceutical grade ingredients to restore and strengthen your skin, allowing your healthy radiance to shine through. Scientifically proven. Dermatologist developed and tested. Murad does not test on animals. Made in the USA.