Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tips For Sensitive skin

Try these tips from Dove:

Treat your face gently
Try not to pull, tug or harshly scrub your face when cleansing. This can help reduce the chances of damaging your skin or developing wrinkles.

Eat a variety of fresh foods and drink plenty of water
Skin cells are mostly water – staying hydrated is therefore an essential part of keeping skin looking healthy. A balanced diet also provides the nutrients your skin needs to stay strong and beautiful.

Always use sunscreen
UV rays are responsible for 90% of aging skin, including wrinkles and age spots. To protect your face, apply sunscreen to clean, dry skin 15-30 minutes before going outside.

Leave stress behind
Signs of mental stress can show up on your face, no matter how well you take care of your skin. Exercising, spending time with friends or simply taking a few moments to yourself every day are easy ways to alleviate stress.

Dove Sensitive Essentials
Have you been relying on Cetaphil to cleanse your sensitive skin? Dove Sensitive Essentials™ Non-Foaming Cleanser has been proven to be milder and 94% less irritating than Cetaphil. Dove Sensitive Essentials Non-Foaming Cleanser offers a deep yet gentle clean, without causing redness or irritation. Dermatologist tested and approved, this ultra-mild cleanser is fragrance-free, hypo-allergenic and non-comedogenic.

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