Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Shrinking Pimple Quick Fixes

everyone at some time or other gets spots, pimples or whatever you want to call them. The best thing to do is keep your hands away from your face, don't be tempted to pick, squeeze or scratch, just leave it alone. It will only ruin your day if you allow it to. If you really feel the need to do something about it, then pay a visit to your local drugstore and see if they can supply you with a cream, something like Clearasil, which will temporarily disguise a pimple and at the same time help the healing process.

Before buying products for acne there are certain factors to take into consideration. You should know your own skin type as different skin needs different treatments. If your skin is oily, you should use a gel-based product. If you have dry skin, a cream will be more suitable. If like most people you have a combination skin, then buy the product that will treat your acne in whichever zone your pimples appear, such as gel for oily areas and cream for dry areas.

Your problems could be made worse if your skin is sensitive and you opt for a product which is too harsh. It could cause your skin to produce even more oil or dry out your skin which will result in even more pimples. All labels should be carefully read and the mildest cream or ointment available should be used on sensitive skin.

There are medicated products on the market which contain a chemical that dries up the pimple and acts as a defoliator. Benzoyl peroxide and Salycic acid are the two most frequently used of these products. Clearasil, Dryox, Persa-Gel, and Fostex are some of the brand names. They all have benzoyl peroxide and come in lotions, creams, gels and soap. Products containing salicylic acid are Stridex, Oxy Night Watch, Clearasil Clearstick Maximum Strength, and PROPApH. Sulfur is also used in some over the counter acne products and is present in Liquimat, Therac Lotion, Sulmasque, and Sulpho-Lac Acne Medication. Those medications which have a combination of benzoyl peroxide and sulfur include Dryox 10S, Dryox 20S and Sulfoxyl.

Extreme outbreaks of acne and some other sorts of pimples may not react to medication available over the counter and may require the attention of a professional such as a doctor or dermatologist.

To help you through the day, try putting a light dusting of face powder over the pimple. Leave off the heavy make up as this will only make things worse. Squeezing the pimple will only make it more irritated and is likely to spread the infection to other parts of your face.

So we have established that there are no quick fixes available when you wake up on the morning of a special occasion, or any other day for that matter, to find a large pimple on your face, but you can ensure things don't get any worse by keeping your hands off it! Chances are, no-one will even notice you have a pimple, so chin up, eyes ahead and don't let it ruin your day or worse still, your life.

About the Author
Kenny Black is a well known writer on skin care related matters. Visit this power packed site for the latest information on acne treatments.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Beneficial Acne Treatments For Problem Skin

Treat skin dilemmas with care. This skin care tip is about not ignoring any skin dilemmas. Consult your dermatologist before you go on to use a skin care product (lest you do end up harming your skin even more).

If you or if you are friends with an individual who endures acne - what you without doubt desire to know is how can you help.

Learning to relax is one of the most beneficial things you can do to slow or retard acne problems. The other thing is to get good rest and thus combat stress. You skin could respond well to the proper amount of rest.

You will not know the dept of your problems until you understand your emotions. Acne may be only part of the problem. Today is a start or a pathway to a more confident and happy you.

Ascertain what turns out most beneficial for your skin. You may inquire , what is the most decent acne skin care? With all the products in the marketplace, on that point are some that might do additional hurt than beneficial results.

There are two main causes of acne that have a lot to do with each other. First off, acne skin care treatments may attack the bacteria that are on the face causing the infection which is the acne itself. But, these bacteria will likely be attracted to the skin because of the high amount of oils there.

Some people simply have oily skin and their glands work continually to provide fuel for bacteria to multiply. The best skin care products will work on both aspects, to turn of the oil and also get rid of the acne.

A bit of physical exercise and effective sleep are indispensable too, not only for skin care but for your wellness at large. Want of rest can conduce to formation of wrinkles beneath your eyes and deficiency of physical exertion can cause your skin to abate. Furthermore, physical exercise and sleep likewise help in circumventing stress. Therefore as well being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tip.

Exercise can help you to beat stress, thus this is also a health and skin care tip. Also, lack of sleep takes it's toll especially when it comes to those wrinkles below the eyes.

Stress damages skin so, take a break or luxuriate in a warm bubble bath or just get good sleep. The adverse effects of stress are acknowledged by everybody, all the same, sometimes stating the perceptible is necessary too (and thus this skin care tip establish its place hither).

If you want a healthy glow then your skin care routine can help. With a good attitude and discipline you may be able to stall the process of aging for at least a few years. With the right anti aging skin care products you will look more youthful than ever.

About the Author
Get Extensive Health And Natural Skin Care Information, And The Best Acne Skin Care Products With The Most Complete Acne Medicine Tips At www.advancesinhealth.com

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dry Skin Care Advice

Dry skin often results from overexposure to sunlight, high temperature, inattention, bad selection of skin care products and many other reasons. Fortunate are those who are borne with radiant skin. But even the good healthy skin can also get converted into dry patchy skin if not cared properly.

Dry skin needs extra care and attention and so the process of caring begins with your waking up till the time you go to bed. Only applying expensive skin care products will not help you much you also have to be very cautious about your diet. Propel yourself constantly to go through your systematic plan for skin care therapy never missing out a single day. Personal discipline is also significant in order to gain maximum results for your dry skin.

There are certain dos' and don'ts, which should be followed when carrying out a skin, care treatment. Let us first discuss the dos' of skin care treatment. It is very important that you keep your face clean from any heavy make-ups when you are at home and for that you mild soap or cleanser to remove the make-ups on your face. Several branded cleansers are available in the market that you can go for but before that you need to know the texture of your skin. Expensive skin care products could be of no use if it does not suit your skin. However you also go for safe products and they are home made products that are inexpensive and safe to use. When you wake up use lukewarm water to wash your face and then apply moisturizer while your skin is still moist. If your skin is very dry then apply a rich moisturizer. Generally creamy and oil-rich make-ups are ideal for your dry skin. People with dry skin should make it a routine to exfoliate their skin once in a week to remove the dead skin cells that give them unimpressive looks. They are called scrubber that remove the dead cell and add glow to your skin.

There are certain don'ts that you should strictly follow besides following the dos' to achieve better result. Never use coarse soap to cleanse your face. Strong chemical content in your soap bring excessive dryness to your skin. Avoid using washcloth or abrasive facial pad to get quick result because it will further damage your skin. It is completely a wrong idea that applying moisturize too often will improve your skin instead it will activate skin blemishes. Therefore choose a heavy enough moisturizer. Seborrhea dermatitis is a skin problem, which is confused with dry skin but actually such skin rash disorder that appears like dry skin shows that your skin is oily and so avoid using moisturizer to save your skin from getting damage.

About the Author
skin care - beauty product

Monday, September 03, 2007

Finding the acne treatment that works for you

Almost everyone has experienced a form of acne at some point in their life. The gravity of the form you experience depends on many factors, such as skin care, lifestyle or diet. Regardless of the severity of the disease, acne causes most people to feel less confident about their appearance and negatively influences their lives. When confronted with this troublesome skin disease, finding the acne best treatment becomes your goal. Here at faceyouracne.com we provide impartial information on any acne treatment you can think of to help you make the best choice.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease, triggered by the overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands. The follicles then become blocked with bacteria and as a result, the skin gets infected. The infection becomes highly visible on the skin surface, usually in the form of red pimples. Many people would try anything just to get rid of the highly unaesthetic marks on their face. Unfortunately, finding the acne best treatment requires you to do some research because not any acne treatment will work for your skin. Faceyouracne.com is eager to help you by providing product reviews on any acne treatment you are interested in.

Most of us are familiar with acne from when we were teenagers. However, this skin disease is not restricted to your teen years. In fact, many adults suffer from severe acne even in their late 30s or 40s. As opposed to the acne we are familiar with in our teens, adult acne is not caused by abnormal hormone levels. The main reason why people suffer from acne during their adulthood is the high level of toxins in their bodies. If the liver can't handle neutralizing the amount of toxins, the body looks for other ways to eliminate them. Eliminating toxins through the skin pores usually turns out to block them and facilitate the multiplication of bacteria. Therefore, having a healthy diet is an acne treatment itself, or at least a good prevention method.

Finding the acne best treatment can turn out to be a real challenge. Making sure your skin gets proper care at home is an important step in curing acne, no matter how mild or severe it is. Your daily skin care program should include washing your face with a mild cleanser and avoiding ordinary soap and any product that might cause irritations. Remember, your skin is very delicate and irritation-prone so you have to keep your hands away from your face if you don't want to worsen the situation.

Over-the-counter products can also help you treat a mild form of acne. Products containing benzyl peroxide or salicylic peroxide are usually recommended. Remember to use these products along with a cleanser or moisturizer and keep a balanced diet. If you are suffering from a severe form of acne, you should consult a dermatologist before you start any treatment. Your doctor will probably recommend the use of an antibiotic or retinol-based medication.

With so many acne treatment products available today, knowing which one will work for you can turn out to be quite a challenge. Just remember that treating the skin surface isn't enough, you have to make sure the source is eliminated once and for all. At faceyouracne.com you will find useful information, product reviews and advice to help you find the acne best treatment.

About the Author
Finding an efficient and reliable acne treatment is a real challenge these days, with so many products available. If you want to find the acne best treatment for you, visit our website and get the information you've been looking for on acne treatments.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Healthy Skin Begins With Regular Exfoliation

Along with the instant gratification of smoother and softer skin derived from exfoliation, there are other benefits to be had. Many times a bothersome skin condition will go away after following a consistent skincare program including an exfoliating product or technique. And of course, exfoliation provides the obvious anti-aging benefits we're all after.

An interesting fact to note is that skin is exfoliated naturally on every part of the body. However, often this natural process is hindered by various skin conditions and problems that many of us face.

A common example where the natural exfoliation process is slowed down often happens with oily skin. Dead skin that would normally slough off can actually stick to the oil produced on the skin and clog pores. Those clogged pores can further lead to acne and other skin conditions. By following a consistent exfoliation schedule, acne problems can actually be decreased or even eliminated.

Although the majority of people can and should exfoliate their skin, there are some cautions to be aware of. If you have ultra sensitive skin or a specific skin condition, take care and consult with your dermatologist before changing your skincare routine. You may even find that gentle exfoliation is just what the doctor orders!

One option that you can select is to try manual exfoliation, where you use a product along with a soft washcloth or something like an exfoliating mask to cleanse your skin. While this has the benefit of immediate results, you might want to chemically exfoliate skin, a process which has less risk of irritating the delicate skin of your face.

Popular chemical exfoliants include alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids. They come in various strengths and formulations and can be extremely effective. Often you'll want to try various types to find the best treatment for your skin.

Consider exfoliation if you're looking for a way to brighten dull skin and achieve a younger look. Your face will benefit from the fantastic anti-aging benefits of smoother skin and you'll be taking an important step toward maintaining your skin's health.

About the Author
Discover how you can have healthy, younger looking skin and get free healthy skincare treatments information at Healthy Skin Care Treatments, an online resource for anti aging skincare solutions.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Best Skin Care Treatments at Advanced Laser Clinic

Acne is a common problem, and is not confined to adolescence only. It is generally seen that more than sixty percent of people are troubled with acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. If acne is your problem, cheer up as it can be effectively treated and almost completely cured by acne skin care treatment. Acne skin care treatment is very useful as it involves not only internal and external therapies but also reduces the possibility of scarring, and lessens greasy, shiny look.

There are various reasons that cause acne, but hormonal imbalances and heredity are certainly major factors. They are further aggravated by stress and lifestyle choices. In acne, the main catalyst is often overactive sebaceous glands that secrete too much sebum. Sebum is a lubricant that helps retain moisture over our skin. Finally oil clogs the pores of the skin causing breakouts mostly on the face and sometimes on the back, chest, and upper arms.

Oily skin, pimples, blackheads, enlarged pores, and redness are the most common symptoms of acne and they are exacerbated by diet, pregnancy, birth control pills, cosmetics, and humidity. Acne should never be confused with rosacea. Rosacea is another facial skin condition that occurs in the middle years and causes blotchy red skin.

In acne skin care treatment, the upper layer of the skin is treated with lasers. Acne skin care treatment reduces acne, minimize the risk of scars and stains and improve your skin's tone and appearance. The treatment mainly begins with discovering your acne triggers and learning what treatments will help you control the condition. A thorough analysis is performed on your skin condition.

Along with acne skin care treatment, it is wise to choose appropriate cosmetics for your skin. This laser treatment is not restricted to cleansers, topical gels, and creams for mild acne but it also includes antibiotic or hormonal pills for moderate cases. If you are suffering from acne staining, then it can be treated with exfoliating creams and facials. However, scarring may require the use of fillers, microdermabrasion or specific laser treatment.

Advanced Laser Clinics is one of the most trusted skin clinics offering acne skin care treatment. A team of skin technicians makes sure that your acne is treated and cured at its earliest. www.advancedlaserskin.com offers not just acne skin care treatment and laser hair removal treatment, but also microdermabrasion, chemical peels, photo rejuvenation acne skin, and IPL Photofacials. For any treatment of the skin and laser, visit us now.

About the Author
Namrita is a very well known author who writes on topics like Acne Skin Care Treatment, Advanced Chemical Peels etc. for the website www.advancedlaserskin.com.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Microdermabrasion Cloths for Natural Exfoliation

One of the easiest and best ways to keep your skin clear of dead skin cells is to use a microdermabrasion cloth. Microdermabrasion cloths are an excellent option for keeping your skin clear of all sorts of unwanted substances, including oil, dirt, cosmetics, and the dead skin cells that keep your skin from looking its youthful best.

DermaCeuticals, Inc. makes a highly effective microfibre microdermabrasion cloth. Instead of chemical substances, The DermaCeuticals, Inc. microdermabrasion cloth contains a unique botanical mixture especially formulated to counteract the visible signs of aging.

Microdermabrasion cloths are beneficial for both restorative and preventative skin care. With the first time you use a microdermabrasion cloth, you will notice a visible improvement in your skin's appearance, as dead skin cells are polished away. With regular use, a microdermabrasion cloth will keep your skin fresh and youthful in appearance.

For facial exfoliation with a microdermabrasion cloth, you should first thoroughly wash and dry your face before using the microdermabrasion cloth on it. Once your face is clean and dry, dampen your microdermabrasion cloth with warm water. With the damp microdermabrasion cloth, gently rub your facial skin with it using small circular motions for up to 90 seconds. If you rub too hard or too long, you might take off more skin than you intended to remove.

Once you have exfoliated your entire face with the microdermabrasion cloth, you will need to dry your face again, using a soft towel. You skin will be extra sensitive for a little while following your microdermabrasion treatment, so be certain not to go out in the sun without a sunscreen.

Additionally, do not apply any type of toner or astringent containing alcohol on your skin right away. You don't want to find out the hard way that it is extremely painful to apply an any alcohol-based product to skin that has just been exfoliated.

While many people think specifically about the skin on their face when they think about the benefits of microdermabrasion, you can use a microdermabrasion cloth all over your body. Dead skin cells build up everywhere, and you will look your best when you keep all of your skin smooth and free of dead skin cells.

An important safety tip regarding the use of microdermabrasion cloths is that you should never use more than one method of microdermabrasion at the same time. Do not use products formulated for microdermabrasion in conjunction with a microdermabrasion cloth. This will result in too much exfoliation, and can damage your skin. You should also never use your microdermabrasion cloth in conjunction with a chemical peel.

For best results, uses your microdermabrasion cloth one time every 7 to 10 days. Within a few treatments, you will be very pleased with the improvement of your skin's appearance. Results will only get better as you continue to properly use your microdermabrasion cloth on an ongoing basis.

About the Author
You can also find more info on Microdermabrasion For Men and Microdermabrasion Kits. Microdermabrasionhelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Microdermabrasion.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How Not To Look Old Before Your Time

Getting old is likened to a bathroom tissue...when nearing its end, the faster you go. Unlike a roll of bathroom tissues, which you can replace with a new one when it's gone, getting old is like riding a train - once it runs on its tracks, you can hardly make it stop.

A rickety knee, grey hairs, wrinkles, unwanted pounds are just some of the tell-tale signs of aging that have concerned most men and women, yet built billion-dollar ventures for some. As a matter of fact, one of the most lucrative business endeavors of all time is on looking good.

Take a look inside malls and giant super stores. Skin care products for women occupy the most lucrative spot. Perhaps there is more that meets the eye in the adage that "someone's loss is somebody's gain" -that is, if you have business acumen.

Actually, there are no beauty secrets. Scores of books have been written by beauty and health experts on how to preserve youth and wellbeing. However, despite of the warnings, people have the propensity to abuse and look the other way, until the signs start to crack, then they chase youth back.

Here then are five (5) major "enemies of the skin" that can really get you quick on aging and make more cash registers on beauty counters, "sing".

1. The sun.

The sun is not your skin's best friend.

Exposure to the sun is an effective way of aging the skin prematurely. Regardless of length of exposure, the sun's ultraviolet rays have an invasive effect on the skin, causing breakouts, which can even lead to cancer. Anti- wrinkle skin care products can alleviate the dryness of your skin when exposed to the sun; however the best solution is still precaution. Do not forget to dab your skin with sun block with a higher SPF factor (15 and up), whenever you intend to go outdoors.

2. Smoking.

The smoke you puff maybe your youth.

A cigarette butt pursed between your lips ultimately wrinkles the skin around your mouth. Smoking affects your general health, which robs you of your youth.

3. Your food and you.

You are what you take in.

"Garbage in, garbage out". This is true even on your skin. What you eat determines your overall well-being, which manifests first on your skin. Fresh fruits and vegetables, a healthy diet rich in anti-oxidants, remain your cheap, yet best approach to good-looking skin.

Large quantities of clean drinking water get rid of your body of impurities and toxins, which harm your cells and tissues. Fruit juices are good alternates.

Too much of a good thing, can be bad. Your alcohol intake, when taken excessively, can damage your vital organs, and your skin never fails to show what is right or wrong with you. It serves as your body's handiwork, and just like any handiwork, the success of the master plan is revealed not by the plan itself, but by its outcome.

4. Stress.

A cluttered life does not only affect your purse, but your psyche as well. Some people wonder why they seem not to be getting the things they want from life. When you look closely, the reason comes from their inability to put order into their lives and relationships and synchronize these with the mental image of the kind of life they want for themselves. Stress has a debilitating effect on a person's level of judgment, which affects his choices. When a bad choice is made, stress is born again, and the cycle never stops.

It has been proven scientifically, that stress can cause skin breakouts. Safe Professional Natural Skin Care Products can minimize breakouts; however you should learn to hold stress by its horns and manage it.

5. Lack of sleep.

Sleep has a rejuvenating effect; it invigorates the cells and tissues of the body aside from minimizing the early signs of aging around the eyes, such as puffiness under the lower lids. The body needs rest, and optimum sleep of about 7-8 hours a day can replenish energy, which the body requires to perform its daily functions.

Lack of sleep results in mood swings and irritability, and nobody on her bad day, looks sexy.

The extent to which you can stay "young" is not only determined by your biological calendar, or by the anti-aging products you use, but chiefly by your outlook.

When you see life and appreciate the things around you with the sense of wonderment of a child, youth may cease to be on your face, but definitely, it will stay in your heart.

To look old before your prime involves choice - yours.
About the Author
Discover the latestfacial skin care products that have no chemicals. Free Shipping available. More information on Anti Aging Natural Supplements online.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Staying Smooth: Anti-aging Skin Care Tips

There's no reason why anyone in the movies and magazines should look better than you, including the way that their skin looks. Even if you don't have millions of dollars, you can make sure that your skin continues to look young and healthy. By taking the proper steps, you can reinforce the cells in your skin for a younger and fresher look. Following are some anti-aging skin care tips that you can follow.

The easiest way to take care of aging in your skin is to make sure that it does not start to wrinkle. Your skin will begin to wrinkle in one of several ways. When it is inflicted with substances that are not natural, such as UV rays, it will cause the collagen, or cells in the skin, to break, loosen and die. Over time, it will cause crow's feet, lines around the mouth, and other wrinkles to appear over the face. Even if you don't see the wrinkles yet, you can take steps to make sure that your skin stays in the best shape possible. *** Acne Free In 3 Days. All Natural Cure For Stopping Acne In 3 Days!

*** One of the most important anti-aging skin care tips that should be common knowledge is to make sure to not inflict it with substances or stress it out. If you are going out in the sun, wear a hat and put on sun screen. If your face gets dirty, find ways to scrub and clean it. If the air is dry, make sure that you enrich your skin by adding in extra moisture to the skin. Balancing out the exposure of your skin is an easy way to start when helping the anti-aging process.

If you want to take extra measures to prevent aging, then there are a variety of other things you can do. One of the most important nutrients to remember for anti-aging skin care is vitamin C. By adding this into your skin, it will help to add in additional care to the face. It not only will produce anti-oxidants in the skin, but will also help to begin reproducing cells at a faster rate. Even if you only put extra vitamin C on your skin once a week, it will help to keep your skin healthy. *** Stop Sweating And Start Living. Natural Cure For Stopping Excessive Sweat In Just Two Weeks!

*** For several, they will choose all natural ways to help improve their skin. You can do something as simple as washing with all natural soaps that have extra vitamins in them. Anything from extra Vitamin C and E to green tea can help you to rejuvenate your skin and keep it looking young. *** Fix My Fungus - Fix Nail Fungus Forever. The Complete Guide To Fixing Toenail And Finger Nail Fungus.

*** There are several who will work with fruits and vegetables, applying them to their skin for a prolonged amount of time. Avocadoes, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables with high amounts of vitamins and antioxidants are known to be great agents to help your skin stay young.

If you are uncertain about what to do for your skin, then finding creams that are for anti-aging can provide the best skin care. There are several places that offer mixtures of the best ingredients for your skin, all which will help to rejuvenate the cells and other parts of the skin from the damage that has been done. Daily creams to weekly masques are helpful in keeping your skin healthy and happy while you are in the process of aging. *** Tattoo Me Now - Huge Untapped Market! Tattoos

*** For those who want to indulge in complete skin care, they can look into things such as facials and skin peels. These will help to take away the old skin that is blocking the cells from receiving the right balance of oxygen and reproducing at the normal rate.

There are strong solutions that you can add into your products in order to ensure that you are getting the best and most with special products and procedures. These can either be done by a professional or in the comfort of your own home, as long as you find the right mixture of ingredients.

If you are working at staying and looking younger, then it never hurts to try new and different anti-aging skin care tips. All of these can help and benefit you from the process that Mother Nature may not be intending for you. By taking preventative measures and finding products for your individual needs, you will have the ability to stop the aging process and stay young forever.

About the Author
webmaster@earthlingcommunication.com Julie Health has written more anti-aging skin care advice at her site you can visit right now at: http://www.anti-aging-products.biz

Monday, May 07, 2007

Acne Skin Care Through Natural Herbs

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that can occur in any age but mostly in the period of puberty. This skin problem originates from the root of the hair follicles where they are associated with sebaceous glands. Such structures are called as pilosebaceous glands. When the blood circulating in these glands is impure, then it causes eruptions on the surface of the skin. These eruptions are commonly called as pimples or zits.

What are the causes of acne?

* Improper or faulty diet
* More sexual desires in adolescence
* Deficiency of vitamin A
* Menstrual problems, such as irregular or delayed periods

What should be the diet to cure acne?

* Eat green leafy vegetables. This will provide the cellulose for roughage, which takes care of proper movement of bowels
* Avoid spicy and sugary food. Keep your diet a perfect balance of foods with different tastes.
* Include fresh fruits in your diet. This will build up proper water content in your body, which will make the blood purer.
* Do not eat fatty, deep fried, high sugar content food and milk products
* Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily

Do's and don't for acne

* Protect the affected area from harmful rays of sun and also don't wash your face frequently and keep your skin dry.
* Prefer using mild natural cleanser for skin cleaning to prevent acne growth.
* Try to expose your skin to fresh air and sunlight. This will help in opening the pores on the skin and lead to better circulation
* Avoid any type of stress. Stress can release more hormones, which would exacerbate the acne. Do those activities only which you like most.

Acne skin care through home recipes

* Prepare a paste of orange peels and apply on the affected area.
* Squeeze indian plum or jambola in water and this paste must be applied on the affected part. This is more effective in the pimples that appear in early youth.
* You can also prepare a mixture of nutmeg and red sandalwood in water. Apply this mixture on the face.
* Prepare a paste of either turmeric and neem leaves or turmeric and sandalwood paste also gives relief from acne
* You can also apply grated potatoes on affected area to get relief from acne pain and inflammation.
* Apply garlic paste on the affected area. It will help the acne to dry living no scars.
* You can also boil tulasi (holy basil) leaves on water. Cool it and apply on effected area with cotton, it is beneficial for acne treatment

How ayurveda helps in acne cure?

There are few herbs that are found to be beneficial in the treatment of acne. They are:

* Mint leaves (Pudina): The leaves of pudina have good cooling properties, and are commonly used as anti-inflammatory agent.
* Papaya: It has excellent properties for reducing pimples by direct application on them.
* Turmeric (Haldi): It is also commonly used for all skin ailments, including psoriasis
* Sandalwood (Chandan): It has also very cooling effects and its mild fragrance brings freshness to the affected part. It purifies the blood and prevents further outbreaks of acne.
* Aloe vera: It takes care of marks left behind by acne that have dried away. It restores the former sheen of the skin.

Read more about Home Remedies for Acne. Also know some effective Home Remedies for Cold. Visit Natural Cure Health Guide to find some easy and effective Home Remedies for common ailments.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Removing Scars With Dermabrasion

Acne scars can be easily removed with dermabrasion. Acne scars are a big cosmetic problem and those who have them all looking for ways to get rid of them at a minimum cost and pain. Dermabrasion is an effective procedure for removing acne scars.

Dermabrasion is a simple procedure. In this procedure, scars, wrinkles and pigmentation are treated. A small abrasive wheel or brush rotating at a high speed is used by the doctor to abrade or remove the skin with the wheel. This is a very easy way to remove acne scars.

Dermabrasion is a mechanical procedure. If you have used a sand paper, you will quickly understand what dermabrasion is. Once the old skin with acne scars is removed, new skin will form in some days. The new skin will be without any acne scars. The healing depends upon the area treated and the depth of the abrasion. This procedure may also swell your skin for some time, but slowly as the new skin forms, the problems go away and you can begin with your work again.

Before your doctor undertakes this procedure for you to treat acne scars, he/she will find out about your medical history. This will include finding about any active skin problems you might be having. If you have herpes simplex, acne, rosacea or any such problem, you may have to wait till that problem resolves. Your scar-forming tendency is considered. If you have keloid-forming tendency, you may not be a good candidate for dermabrasion. If you are taking isotretinoin tablets, you may have to wait for some time after you stop taking it. For those with history of cold sores or herpes simplex, an anti-viral treatment may be prescribed. This procedure is only for depressed acne scars.

The procedure may be conducted in your doctor's surgery or hospital setting. For small areas, local anesthetics are used, while for larger areas, general anesthesia is preferred. The time of procedure will also depend upon the total area to be abraded. The doctor will remove skin to the extent so that the abrasion reaches the depth of the acne scar. That will ensure removal of acne scar. Your doctor will dress up the wound and give you instructions about after-operative care. You may feel stinging sensation, swelling and red skin for some days. You must report every side effect to your doctor. As the new skin grows, you will feel some tingling sensation. Keep yourself protected from the sun as much as possible to avoid pigmentation problem in the treated area in the first three months. After some days as new skin forms you will find that your scars have disappeared.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about acne treatment please visit - acnedoctor.us You will get information about How Acne Forms? Types Of Acne, Acne Treatments, Skin Care For Acne, Acne Facts, Acne Scars and many acne articles. This site is full of information about how to remain free of acne. For keeping yourself acne free, find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin. To treat acne scars please visit acnedoctor.us

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Click here to learn more about acne, acne treatment and prevention and treatment of acne scars.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Facelift And Celebrities

Around Hollywood the popularity of the facelift derives largely from its ability to hide the effects of aging. A celebrity who does not "look" his or her age generally finds that it is easier to fill the needs of a movie director. Loose skin can be tightened and reshaped by plastic surgery. Any unwanted fat on the face can be removed. The transformed face invites a second look from casting directors.

Some peculiarities of the movies aggravate the effects of aging. Some demands placed on actors lead to the development of less than desirable facial characteristics. At one time, almost every movie showed people smoking. Smoking can alter the shape of a face. The effects of smoking can be corrected with a facelift.

While the transformations created by cosmetic surgery can help to further an actor's chances for career advancement, they can also expose the actor to certain risks. In addition, the recovery from a facelift can not take place overnight. Following the surgery, bandages must remain on the face for five days. Yet even the removal of the bandages does not mean that the actor's face will meet a director's expectations.

Facial skin under the surgical bandages will not have the normal skin color. Only after another four to five weeks will the color loss produced by the plastic surgery disappear. During that time, the puffiness in the face will subside. During that same period, an actor who has had cosmetic surgery might wish for a tanned face.

An actor might get pressure from his or her director to hasten, if possible, the rate at which color returns to the once-bandaged face. The actor should resist such pressure. Exposure of a recently-bandaged face to sunlight can delay, rather than hasten, the healing process. The director needs to work with the surgeon, in the same way that the plastic surgeon seeks to help Hollywood directors.

The cosmetic surgeon who works on many celebrities understands the importance of a well-placed scar. A film star does not want a true scar to show-up on the silver screen.

Still a Hollywood film star seldom needs to feel concerned about the fact that a facelift creates a long incision in the area of the hairline.

The surgeon who performs a facelift on a Hollywood star has good reason to place any incision along the hairline. When a surgeon has cut along the hairline, few people will ever note the existence of any resulting scar. In that way, the surgeon can achieve a considerable reduction of the potential risks associated with the acquisition of a facelift.

Of course the surgeon must still remember to cut carefully during the facelift procedure. Neither the actor nor the director looks forward to the need for corrective surgery.

About the Author
Want to know how celebrities look before and after facelift? Try Kevin Dark's new website.